Better than you had ever expected

Intelligent navigation
GPS (Global Positioning System) quickly and precisely establishes the coordinates that locate a vehicle, which allows for monitoring deliveries and increases safety.

Just-in-Time deliveries are our standard. We also perform shipments on Sundays and holidays. Our attention to detail allows Emaus International to solve any issue and make any repair.

Intelligent systems
of logistics monitoring
Our application of intelligent systems of logistics monitoring and dedicated solutions optimizes expenses, which translates into our competitive rates for transport services.
We manage a modern fleet of vehicles and use the newest information technologies in our transport processes.
Shipments in Poland are carried out within 24h. Delivery times for shipments abroad are discussed with clients, however, they do not exceed 72h.
We perform deliveries for retail chains, central warehouses and reloading terminals. Every day, we deliver over 1,000 tons of goods to our clients.
We have extensive experience in transports within the EU. Our modern fleet equipped with load securing systems guarantees the safety of the transported goods.
We are a modern company funded with Polish capital, rapidly developing in the TSL sector.
Our goal is not only our client’s satisfaction but also the full satisfaction of our client’s clients.
Our staff uses their experience and expertise to form strong ties with clients, providing new value to their business.
We stay on top of the latest developments by participating in meetings and conferences on various issues related to transportation.